We are a Los Angeles based all-female shooting club! All of our range officers at GGC are NRA Certified Firearms Instructors with years of shooting experience—because your safety is our priority!

Who are we?

We are a Los Angeles based all-female shooting club. By “all-female” we mean that you will be training alongside other women and that all range officers will be women. In fact, all range officers at Girls Gun Club are NRA Certified Firearms Instructors with years of shooting experience—because your safety is our priority!



What’s our mission?

Our mission is to create a place where women feel comfortable enough to regularly practice shooting. It’s simple logic. The more you practice the better you’ll be at protecting yourself and your loved ones. But we also need a place that is fun—so you will want to practice!


New to shooting? Don’t worry! We’ll help you!

Gun fights don’t occur in static situations. So, practicing at an indoor range, where you stand in a shooting bay and take your best shot, simply won’t prepare you for a real-life lethal encounter. At Girls Gun Club, we create an environment that allows you to practice for the way fights happen—while having a kick-ass good time!

Don’t worry if you’re a relatively new shooter, or if your shooting skills are a bit rusty…or even if you just don’t feel confident in your abilities to protect yourself. These are the reasons why you should be training!


We work within your limits.

You will never be pushed to shoot beyond your abilities. All Girls Gun Club gatherings are intended to be primarily fun, safe, social events…with guns. We won’t pressure you. But, we will demonstrate proper shooting techniques, discuss self-defense tactics, answer your gun-related questions, teach you safe gun skills, coach you so that you increase your rate of fire while maintaining accuracy, and generally encourage you to be the best shooter you can be.